IAG and its staff are bound by values of integrity and responsibility. IAG is firmly committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics, honesty, openness and accountability.

Luis Gallego
Luis Gallego CEO

Our code of conduct

We hold ourselves to the highest standards of ethical conduct, and we expect the same from our employees, partners, contractors and suppliers.

Though this code sets out our key responsibilities, it cannot address every difficult situation that we may confront throughout the world, nor should it be considered an exhaustive guide to every policy and procedure.

Anti-bribery and corruption

Illegal, corrupt and unethical practices have no place within IAG. They pose a significant risk to our business, our reputation, and the communities we serve. We have implemented a robust anti-bribery and corruption programme to prevent, detect, and address these risks effectively.

Anti bribery and corruption

Trade practices

IAG is committed to conducting our business with strict adherence to international trade sanctions imposed by various governments and international bodies and we expect all our employees and business partners to do the same. We are dedicated to upholding the highest standards of ethics and compliance in our operations.

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Data protection

IAG is committed to safeguarding the privacy and data protection of our customers, employees, and partners. We are committed to continuously improving our data protection practices and ensuring that personal data is handled with the utmost care and respect. Our policy is subject to periodic review and updates to reflect changes in our data processing activities, legal requirements, changing regulations and emerging best practices.

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Speak Up and whistleblowing protection

We have a robust whistleblower process in place which is designed to encourage and facilitate the reporting of any unethical, illegal, or improper conduct within IAG and its subsidiary companies. If a reporter is unable or uncomfortable discussing an issue with a manager or other Company representative, they can use the Speak Up hotline

EthicsPoint – IAG
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Third party code of conduct

Our suppliers, contractors and business partners play a critical role in our success and our ability to deliver exceptional service to our customers and stakeholders. We believe in fostering long-lasting, mutually beneficial relationships with third parties, based on trust, respect, and shared values. We have established a Third Party Code of Conduct that summarises our expectations for all of those who are engaged to work with or on behalf of our Group.

Iag Third Party Code Of Conduct
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Competition law

IAG, as a global aviation group, recognises the critical importance of competition law in maintaining fair and open markets, fostering innovation, and ensuring consumer choice. IAG is dedicated to complying with all competition laws and regulations in every jurisdiction in which we operate. We acknowledge that fair competition is the cornerstone of a vigorous and dynamic marketplace, and we are fully committed to ensuring that our business practices are in full compliance with the relevant legal frameworks. 

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Modern slavery and human trafficking

IAG recognises the global challenge of modern slavery and human trafficking and understands the importance of taking proactive measures to combat these grave violations of human rights. We are devoted to playing our part in eradicating these crimes from our operations and supply chain. We encourage our customers, employees, partners, and stakeholders to remain vigilant, reporting any suspicions, and supporting projects aimed at eradicating these crimes worldwide.

Modern Slavery & Human Trafficking Statement
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Human Rights Policy

We carry out our work in a way that respects human rights and we respect, protect and promote internationally recognised human rights as set out in the Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights published by the United Nations.

IAG Human Rights Policy
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